Hey Everyone,I just wanted to thank everyone who has been praying for us as a family to help me find a job in this tough economy. Through some contacts It looks as if I might be getting an offer letter next week some time for a pretty good salary. It is still in the Telecommunications Industry doing the same type of work I was doing called DAS (Distributed Antenna Systems) I will be working as a vendor for a company called American Tower installing their DAS equipment into large shopping indoor/outdoor malls, hospitals, and generally places where outside signal coverage does not penetrate into buildings.I know through my wife Kat's blog she had put a prayer post out there quite some time ago and thank you all so much for praying for us. Most of all thank you God for laying this job at my feet at your time and only when you wanted this to happen for my family. It does look as if I will be traveling some, but I don't think it will be half as much as I was used to at my old company. I was able to do some blog hopping and saw that Greg over at Greg's General Store posted his Thankful Thursday.
I am thankful for God giving me such a wonderful wife and family. I have been stressing about being laid off and not being able to find a job. I had been taking so much of life's stresses and frustrations internally, not sleeping, not eating well that I finally realized that I had to give it all to God! I had to literally pray and say God I give all of my stresses and frustrations and I lay them at your feet! Father you know more than I and you will lay a job in front of me at your time and I am to trust and have faith that you know all and will enter the rest of you Lord. You are a gracious and loving God and you have known that this obstacle would come before me and you already have your plans to keep me safe in your Grace. You have helped to show me the possibilities in life instead of the frustrations of life!My wife Kat over at Heart to Heart has really helped me to realize how much I am in need to just keep praying and seek the Lord's wisdom that he knows all and will take care of us. She has helped me see that so many times in the past when we have been in need and he has been there for us every single time. I thank all of you for being there for us. And I now keep you in my prayers and thoughts.
Here is a picture of the quilt we finished last week. This quilt has been a long time in the making as it has been folded up in our closet for almost 2 years I would say. I finally decided that while I had the sewing machine still out to finish the quilt. It it the largest quilt we completed and is almost big enough to fit a twin size bed.
It is a standard 9 patch quilt pattern purple and white with a purple border. Below is the full size showing the pattern. Hope you like it as it is a new addition to our home.
Well hope you all have a good day and God Bless!
Hi everyone,I have been trying to stay busy while waiting for the phone to ring for possible new jobs. So, while I have had time I have been staying busy quilting, YES YOU HEARD RIGHT QUILTING LOL! I was kind of raised when I was a kid watching my Mom and Grandma quilt on these over sized saw horse like looking things back in the old days when there were no quilting machines. I started quilting when my wife and I thought it would be a good idea to try to start a quilt to see how hard it would be. I think we were going to give it away to Kat's Mom as a Mother's day present I believe but I am not sure. I am sure that my wife will correct me though letting me know what our first quilt was, and that will be left for another story down the road.Well now that I have some time on my hands I have been finishing some quilts that needed to get done as we have had them for some time. My wife had signed up for the Downy Quilts for Kids program to start helping children that are stuck in the hospitals for a long period of time. I have added a link to the program if you would like to see the stories and see if you would be interested in joining. Kat from Heart 2 Heart had signed up for the program back in December I believe, but that was when she was having medical problems so the quilt kind of just stayed in the closet until we had time to finish it. I just registered it at the Downy website do it might take a few days for it to show up. Here are some pictures of it for you to see.
Here is the first picture of the quilt we completed this last Tuesday. Below is an actual picture of me sewing the quilt for all of you non-believers Ha!So this is the first of three quilts that we have completed the past week. I will post the next quilt we finished for our little baby nephew Sean tomorrow. Hope you all had a great weekend!Keep the faith!Steve
Well hello everyone out there in Blog-land USA! It has been a while since I have posted hasn't it! I am sorry for not updating and/or blogging for a while as I was extremely busy with work. Now that I have been laid off, I find myself being extremely bored trying to find new things to do. I have painted part of our house, stained the gazebo over our jacuzzi, cleaned out my toolbox and tool bag (now that I am not using it much anymore). In other words, My mind is racing and it is hard to put on the brakes and pray to God that he finds me a position in a company that keeps me close to home. Work is so sparse out here that I am seriously stressing if I am going to find anything in the near future. I know it has only been one week since I have not been working, but I am that kind of person who has to be doing something or I will drive my wife (Kat over at Heart 2 Heart ) and our kids absolutely CRAZY!
My wife and I have talked about my issue several times and I know she is sick of hearing it, I just wish she knew how much I love her and our wonderful kids that I worry about making our mortgage payment, bills and just being the provider I am supposed to be. She has said so many times that she doesn't care where we live or how we live just as long as we are together. Now my problem with that is I do care where we live and how we live. I am supposed to be a Godly man and look to our father in heaven for an answer to my prayers which is God, father in heaven, please see you way to give me strength in these troubled times and lead me to a new job. I lay these stresses and worries at your feet, your will be done. AMEN!
Now that I have said this and prayed, I am hoping to give myself enough peace to not do a whole Extreme Home Makeover!
Well, thank you all for listening.
Take care and as always!
Keep the Faith,